Spray to Waste Batch Powder Booth
3.1 Three-Stage Filter System (Pre-Filter, Primary Pocket Filters an
Final Filters)
3.2 Manometer
The manometer is used as a gauge to let you know when your exhaust filters need to be changed. Exhaust filters
typically have a static rating of .5 inches of water.
Some booths are set up to use additional filters or optional filters that have a higher static rating than the
standard .5 inches of water. Check your filter spec sheet to find the exact rating of the filter, but for this guide we
will use the standard .5 inches of water column.
Step 1 - Locate the Manometer
The manometer needs to be located where it can be read daily by the paint department. Locate it on the booth
where there are no obstructions such as shelving or walls to interfere with viewing the manometer. Remember,
without the manometer, you will have no idea how clogged your exhaust filters are, and therefore
no idea if the
booth is performing correctly.
The manometer needs to be installed close to the exhaust filter wall to keep the tubing length to a minimum.
Excess tubing length will reduce the accuracy of the manometer. There will be a high port and a low port on the
top of the manometer. The high port will need to connect to the work chamber, and the low port will need to
connect to the chamber on the suction side of the filter grid.
Low Pressure
(Back Side of
Filter Grid Wall
High Pressure Port
(Front Side of Filters)