al Installation Procedure
6.1 Installation General
This manual is a guide for installing a variety of spray booths. The assembly drawings enclosed are specific for
the booth you have purchased. This drawing is an exploded isometric drawing showing the relationship of each
panel or part to the next one. A packing list of all components is provided and must be used in addition to the
drawing to identify all components.
All DAMAGES MUST be reported within 24 hours of receipt and a freight claim filed with the carrier.
booths are manufactured in accordance with NFPA 33, UFC 45 and NEC 516. However, local codes and
regulations may apply to the installation and use of this product. All permits and approvals be obtained prior
to installation and use of the spray booth.
1. Uncrate and inventory all spray booth components to ensure all of the parts are accounted for. Each
component is numbered on the exploded view.
2. The floor surface of the booth must be non-combustible material of such character as to facilitate the safe
cleaning and removal of residues. The floor surface must be flat and level.
3. Mark the dimensional outline of booth on floor.
4. Follow the step-by-step instructions provided.
Planning Ahead
1. Clearances between other work areas and combustible storage areas must be held as follows:
a. 3 ft. minimum clearance at all sides and sealed entry ways (i.e., door ways).
b. 3 ft. minimum clearance at all non-sealed entry ways (i.e., the open face of spray booth or a silhouette
c. 10 ft. minimum clearance must be held between the exhaust stack of the booth and the intake of another
apparatus. NFPA 33 dictates a minimum discharge clearance of 3 ft. from the nearest combustible
material; however, stack height requirements vary with individual states and can be up to 1½ times the
building’s roof height from grade.
d. 10 ft. minimum clearance must be held between the intake of this booth and the exhaust of any other