Some Filters Are Pulsing
Check the solenoid enclosure. There should be air pressure feeding though the white tubes into each solenoid.
When the solenoid is energized by the Dwyer timer board, the air pressure is allowed to pass though the
which allows the main pulse down valve to fire air into the filter. If some of the filter pulse but some
do not pulse, there could be a problem with the solenoid associated with the pulse valve that’s not pulsing. It
could be clogged, or it may have failed.
To test the solenoid to see if it is bad, first turn off the power to the main control panel. Disconnect the wires
leading to the suspect solenoid and use a volt meter set on Ohms to measure between the two terminals on
the solenoid. If the volt meter does not show a reading at all, then the coil is open
meaning the solenoid will
need to be replaced. If the volt meter does show a reading, then the coil is ok and the problem is somewhere
possibly a loose wire between the solenoid and the Dwyer timer board.
120vac must be present here for the solenoid to open and allow the pulse valve to fire. Check for
loose wiring or any discoloring of the solenoid which could indicate it has failed.
Place volt meter probes between
these two terminals.