Others Set Up
Zero Skip
Specifies to print items with a zero total on all reports or to skip items that
have a zero total.
Specifies to allow reprinting a second copy of the Z report. I f you set this
option to “single”, then you cannot recover or print another copy of the
Z-R eport after it is generated. I f the printer runs out of paper or jams,
there is no way to re-print the Z-report or to recover that information.
A llowing a second copy lets you install a new roll of paper or correct a jam
or some other problem and then reprint the same Z-report one time for a
second copy. A dditional copies are not allowed.
Specifies if the E lectronic Journal and certain R eports are automatically
printed in C ompressed print or in regular print. T he selections are:
• compressed print for E lectronic Journal and R eports,
• compressed print for E lectronic Journal and regular print for reports,
• regular print for E lectronic Journal and all reports.
C ompressed print is slightly smaller, but saves on paper, especially on
longer reports such as P L U Sales and E lectronic Journal.
Machine Number
Sets a machine number. For more information, see Setting the M achine
N umber on page 31.
Daily Z Counter
You can program the starting number for the D aily Z1R eport C ounter
number. I f you were using a different cash register before this one and
wanted to carry that numbering sequence and start with a specific number
on this cash register, set that number here.
Periodic Z Counter
You can program the starting number for the Periodic Z2 R eport C ounter
number. I f you were using a different cash register before this one and
wanted to carry that numbering sequence and start with a specific number
on this cash register, set that number here.
a 1000ML User's Guide