Chapter 5 Setting Up Your Cash Register Parameters
5. % In Dept.
Specifies if -% is subtracted and +% is added to individual department
totals on the X & Z R eports. O r if these % amounts are not included in the
individual department totals and only listed at the bottom of the report in
the D iscount and A dd-O n totals.
7. Scroll Speed
Specifies the Scrolling M essage Speeds - select from Slow, M edium and
Fast. T his will set the speed for both, the instructional messages during the
Programming and R eports modes and the five customer messages on the
customer display.
8. CONS #
Specifies to reset the C onsecutive Transaction number found on each sales
receipt and on most reports after running each Z report.
9. ZCT Reset
Specifies to reset the Z-C ount number found only on Z-R eports, after
running each Z-report
10. GT Reset
Specifies to reset the G rand Total A mount on the Z-report after running
each Z-report.
11. Rounding
R ounding allows you to select how the cash register rounds-off numbers
that it generates from internal calculations, like multiplying the sales
dollar amount by the tax rate percentage, which may generate a long
string of numbers or an amount below a penny. For example $1.00
multiplied by an 8.75% tax would equal an amount of 1.0875. T his would
need to be rounded to 2-decimal places, and would be rounded-off to
$1.09 if 5/4-R ounding was selected.
6. Coupon Setting
Specifies whether the coupon discount is calculated before or after tax is
applied to an item or subtotal. T his setting will affect the department and
NET sales totals. I t is recommended that you do not change this selection
once the cash register is set up, or you might receive unexpected totals.
I f you choose after tax as your setting, your department and tax totals will
differ from the calculation shown in the report selection of this manual.
1000ML User's Guide