Finger twisting
At the open end of the shaft, there can be unexpected rotational movements,
e.g. if the rotary drive is accidentally switched on or if the return spring is
triggered by a power outage.
1. Never stick your fingers into the open end of the shaft.
2. Only operate the rotary drive once it is installed.
3. Turn off the power to the rotary drive before starting work to avoid it be-
ing started unexpectedly.
Possible damage to musculoskeletal system
Working in positions with an adverse body posture can result in orthopaedic
1. Make sure you are working as ergonomically as possible.
2. Use appropriate tools, e.g. steps for easy access.
3. Wear personal protective equipment: headgear and gloves.
Impact and tripping hazard
If the rotary drive is not positioned carefully, it can pose an impact and trip-
ping hazard.
1. As far as possible, please avoid installing the rotary drive near to where
people will be walking or working.
2. Position the rotary drive to avoid any risk of tripping or head impact.
3. If necessary, provide warning indicators or padding around any potential
impact points.
6 | Operation
Translation of the original installation guide · Version 1.0 · 2021-05-27