Play Repeat Loop (
) — Loop repeat mode where the clip starts playing again from the in point
after it reaches the out point.
If the channel transport is being controlled externally using the Odetics protocol, this button is disabled.
Play Repeat Loop to Play (
) — Multipoint repeat mode (also known as 3-Point Loop mode)
where the clip can start playing from a point before the in point but starts playing again from the
in point when it reaches the out point. The clip will continue to loop between the in point and out
point from then on.
Clicking Play Repeat Normal allows the clip to ignore the out point and play through to the end frame of the clip. This does not
interrupt the loop play in progress.
Play Speed — Shows the current play speed of the clip.
Double-click on the play speed to enter a new play speed manually as a percentage. The clip will start playing at the new speed
once you press Enter.
Clip Position Slider Handle — Indicates the current point in the clip that is being played. You can
drag the handle back and forth to select a different point in the clip. Playback stops if you move the
slider handle.
Clip Position Slider Bar — A graphical representation of the current clip. When the clip is playing
or recording, the slider handle moves along the slider bar showing real-time progress through the
clip. The slider handle and bar are green when playing and red when recording.
Seek to End (
) — Seek to the last frame of the clip.
Chain (
) — Selects whether a channel transport is ganged with other channel transports. When
is turned on for a channel transport, that channel transport becomes linked to the other
channel transports in the chain in Tria Explorer. Within Tria Explorer, any transport commands
run on one channel transport in the chain are frame-accurately duplicated on all the other channel
transports in the same chain. Commands sent to a channel transport from an external device over
serial/ethernet control are not chained to the other channels.
Record and Load/Eject Clip are not support as chained commands and will only be performed on the channel transport that
you run them on.
To Load a Clip
The clip can start to play as soon as it is loaded into a channel transport.
Select the channel transport you want to load a clip into.
If you are loading a VK (video + alpha) clip, ensure that the channel transport has been configured as VK as well.
Double-click the clip you want to load into the transport control. The clip must be in the same video
format that the server is operating in.
You can also drag and drop the clip onto the channel transport area, or click the load clip button (
) next to the clip name in
the transport control area.
Click the up arrow next to the Clip Library title to expand the listing. Only the selected channel transport is shown with the
expanded library list. Click the same button again to return the list to normal.
The clip is loaded into the channel transport and the transport control buttons become active. The first
frame of the clip is shown in the preview window in the transport control area. If you are using a remote
Tria Explorer client, the preview window is not available.
If the Auto Play feature is enabled (Channel Transport > Enable Auto Play), the clip will start to play as soon as it is loaded.
46 • Channel Transport Control — Tria Express DUET User Manual (v01)