Cubasis VST U-8 Manual
This describes the details of Cubasis VST U-8. You can view this manual
using Acrobat Reader, supplied by Adobe Systems Incorporated.
For more information on how to view this manual, see “
How to View the
Online Manuals ”
(p. 63).
U-8 Controller
This program controls the U-8’s mixer and effects. For information on how
to set up the program, see “
Preparing the Programs for the U-8 (Installing
the included software)
” (p. 28). Also, for more information, refer to the
8 Controller Manual
described below.
U-8 Tuner
This is a special U-8 feature for tuning electronic guitars. For details, refer to
U-8 Tuner Manual
described below.
Virtual Sound Canvas 3.0
Virtual Sound Canvas 3.0 (VSC 3.0)
is a MIDI software synthesizer. When
used with the U-8, you can play and record MIDI data without an external
sound module, using only your computer.
For how to install VSC 3.0, refer to p.35.
Demo Songs
These are demo songs for Cubasis VST U-8.
Style Data (SMF)
Style data comprise typical performance patterns representing a variety of
musical genres that are stored as SMF performance data.
Online Manuals
You can view the online manuals shown below with a Web browser
(Internet browser) such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape
For more information about each of the online manuals, please see
“How to
View the Online Manuals ”
(p. 63).
If there’s a problem, such as no sound, viewing
will give
you some possible solutions.
U-8 Technical Guide
This describes the details of effects, special examples of connections with the
U-8, exchange of MIDI messages with the U-8, the details of the U-8’s on-
board digital mixer, and more.
U-8 Controller Manual
This describes how to use the U-8 Controller.