- 17 -
1. Move the tool to the tool-up position.
2. PU.
3. Clear errors.
4. Stop the spindle motor.
5. Reset the coordinate values. The present position of the tool is the
same as the position in the workpiece coordinate system.
No errors.
<Other Matters>
There is no change before and after command execution in the XY origin
point or in the value of Z0 set using the control panel.
(Plot Absolute -- Absolute plot command)
PA x1, y1, (, x2, y2,....) [terminator]
PA [terminator]
x: float
y: float
<Parameter Range>
x: -8388608.0 to 8388607.0
y: -8388608.0 to 8388607.0
A PA command without parameters effects a change to the absolute-
coordinate mode.
When parameters are present, the command effects the absolute-
coordinate mode and performs operation for the coordinate values
specified by the parameters, without change the present state of the tool
(up or down).
For the parameters, a pair of values, x and y, constitute a single set, and
more than one set may be stated.
When the number of parameters is odd, each pair is sequentially
interpreted from the beginning as x and y and is executed accordingly, and
the final remaining odd value generates error 2. Execution is not