Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
controller. User Commands can be entered both in Armed and Disarmed Modes (see 2.6 Armed and
Disarmed Modes). By default, each User Command requires MASTER identifier (card or PIN) but
this requirement can be cancelled for desired User Commands by means of PR Master software or
by means of function [69] in Installer Programming Mode (see 3.3 Installer Programming Mode).
Each User Commands is identified with two digit code. Upon entering particular code LED SYSTEM
and LED OPEN pulsate until command is property entered or any programming error occurs.
Symbols and abbreviations:
- authorization, controller requires adequate identifier. By default MASTER card or PIN
can be used. Additionally any other identifier defined by PR Master software or function [69] in
Installer Programming Mode can be used for authorization
- INSTALLER identifier (always card or PIN); If INSTALLER identifier is not defined
then use MASTER identifier instead.
- MASTER identifier (card or PIN)
– Three digit user ID=001..999 (see 2.3 Users)
proximity card read or its code entered by means of keypad and followed with [#] key.
- PIN (3 – 6 digits) always followed with [#] key
- prompt acoustic signal (two beeps), encourages user to continue entering of particular
command i.e. card read, code entering or key pressing
– acoustic signals (three very short beeps), usually used for confirming successful entering of
the whole command
– error acoustic signal (long beep), informs about error in programming
[10#] <AUTH> (SK) [10] - Remove all users from controller memory
The command erases all cards and PINS for all users (including Guest users).
[11#] <AUTH> (SK) [NNN] <Card> - Program the card for the user with ID=NNN
Read card shall be assigned to the user with ID=NNN. If particular card is already assigned to
another user then controller shall generate Error signal.
[12#] <AUTH> (SK) [NNN]<PIN> - Program the PIN for the user with ID=NNN
Entered PIN shall be assigned to the user with ID=NNN.
[13#] <AUTH> (SK) [NNN] - Delete the user with ID=NNN
The user with ID=NNN shall be removed from controller memory.
[14#] <AUTH> (SK) [NNN] - Check if user ID=NNN is available
If neither card nor PIN has been already assigned to user ID=NNN, then OK signal is generated
(three very short beeps). If either card or PIN has already been assigned to user ID=NNN then
error signal (long beep) is generated.
[15#] <AUTH> (SK) <Card-1>(SK) <Card-2>(SK)...<Card-N> [#] - Program multiple
The command enables programming of multiple cards for Normal users. The command should be
concluded by means of [#] or else it shall be automatically concluded in 20 seconds after the last
card read. New users are assigned the first free IDs in range ID=100…999.
[16#] <AUTH> (SK) [NNN][P] - Set User Option [P] for the user with ID=NNN
Following values of P parameter are available (see also 2.3.2 User Options):
P = [1] Access disabled
P = [2] Enabled for authorization of F1 key at Terminal ID0
P = [3] Enabled for authorization of F2 key at Terminal ID0
P = [4] Enabled for authorization of F1 key at Terminal ID1
P = [5] Enabled for authorization of F2 key at Terminal ID1
P = [6] Authorization for User Commands
P = [7] Authorization for arming/disarming
P = [8] Authorization for Function Cards