Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
apply User Commands (see 3.2 User Commands)
Enabled for arming/disarming
When option is active, the user will be allowed to
arm/disarm particular controller.
Enabled for authorization of
Function Cards
When option is active, the user will be allowed to
use Function Cards (see 2.11 Function Cards)
2.3.3 Groups
Users of RACS4 access control system can be divided into Groups or may belong to special (default)
group called: No Group or No Access Group. All users assigned to a particular user Group share the
same (identical) access rights. You can also define Group for single user. Members of particular
Group are granted access to particular areas in accordance with defined Schedules. Users belonging
to No Group are given unlimited 24h/7d access to all Access Zones, while users assigned to No
Access Group cannot open any door.
2.4 Identification Modes
Following Identification Modes are available for the purpose of user identification:
Table 4: Identification modes
Card or PIN
Controller requires card or PIN
Card and PIN
Controller requires card and PIN
Card Only
Controller requires card only, PINs are not accepted
PIN Only
Controller requires PIN only, cards are not accepted
In case of PRxx1 controllers the same Identification Mode is set for both sides of door. Unless
modified by administrator, the controller applies default Identification Mode (i.e. Card or PIN).
Identification modes apply to all users at particular controller/reader and they can be set or
changed by:
Schedule (only Network System)
Function keys
Input lines
2.5 Door Modes
Door Modes determine rules for locking/unlocking of access controlled doors. Following Door Modes
are available in RACS4 system:
Table 5: Door Modes
Normally the door is locked and opened only for the time of granted
The door is unlocked permanently. No identification is required to enter
or exit.
Conditionally unlocked
Initially, the door is in the Normal Mode. As soon as the first user is
granted an access, the controller switches to the Unlocked mode.
The door is locked permanently for all users regardless of their access