Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
Wiegand 26..66 bit, transmits PIN (HEX), no parity
Wiegand 26..66 bit, transmits PIN (BIN), no parity
Wiegand 26..66 bit, transmits card code, no parity
Wiegand 26..66 bit, transmits user ID (HEX), no parity
Wiegand 26..66 bit, transmits user ID (BIN), no parity
Wiegand 26..66 bit, transmits card code or PIN (HEX), no parity
Notes: Enabling RACS terminal ID0, RACS terminal ID1 or XM-2 extension module automatically
disables functioning of CLK and DTA lines as general purpose outputs.
Enabling Wiegand terminal ID0 automatically disables functioning of IN1 and IN2 lines as input
lines in PR411DR controller while enabling Wiegand terminal ID1 disables IN3 and IN4 lines
respectively in PR411DR controller.
[62] [X] – Program XM-2 extension module
Enter [X]=0 to disable XM-2 module
Enter [X]=1 to enable XM-2 module
Default value: <X=0>.
[63][OT] – Set Door Unlock Time
[OT] parameter specifies time in seconds for activation of door lock and consequently door
opening. [OT] value must be in range of 00-99. If 00 value is entered then door lock operates in
latch mode (see 2.7.2 Door Lock Control and 2.7.4 Option: Door Lock Controlled in Latch Mode
(toggle)). Default value: <OT=04>.
[64][CT] – Set Door Open Timeout
[CT] specifies time in seconds for door closing or else Door Ajar alarm in output line can be
activated (see 2.7.10 Door Alarm). [CT] must be in range of 01-99. The function Door Open
Timeout can be used only if door contact is connected. Default value: <CT=09>.
[65][A] – Set Identification Mode
Following values of [A] parameter are available (see also 2.4 Identification Modes):
[A] = [0] to set Card or PIN
[A] = [1] to set Card Only
[A] = [2] to set PIN Only
[A] = [3] to set Card and PIN
[66][F] – Set the option: Device temporary blocked after 5 wrong logins
Enter [F]=0 to disable the option [F]=1 to enable the option. Default value: <F=0>. See also
2.7.12 Option: Device temporary blocked after 5 wrong logins.
[67][F] – Set the option: Disable PIN under duress
Enter [F]=1 to deactivate the option or [F]=0 to activate the option. Default value: <F=0>. See
also Facility Code (also called: Site Code) is a part of the whole proximity card code which is located
bit and is intended to characterize some group of cards customized and
produced for individual order.
Example: If the card has following code (presented in binary form):
the underline digits 11101110 are treated as Facility Code.
the full card code. This reduced code is presented as three decimal digits (from range 000-255)