Functional description of PRxx1 series controllers Rev.H.doc
MASTER has the highest privileges in the system and is allowed for
both door access and arming/disarming of the controller. The
MASTER has always fixed Op.1 = No and all other options Op.2-
Op.8 = Yes (see table 3)
SWITCHER Full is allowed for both normal access and
arming/disarming of the controller. Double use of identifier is
required for arming/disarming and single use of identifier gives
door access.
SWITCHER Limited is allowed solely for arming/disarming of the
controller and is not allowed for door access. Single use of identifier
is required for arming/disarming.
NORMAL is allowed solely for door access and by default is not
allowed to arm/disarm controller.
GUEST is defined individually in each controller in the system.
GUEST might be authorized for door access and for
Standard users (ID=000-999) are recorded in all controllers of the access control system and Guest
users (ID=4000-4007) are programmed individually on each controller. These users are
programmed and managed by means of special programming procedures. Optionally, for
management of Guest users there is a special programmer’s interface (API) which allows system
integrators to create special software dedicated to manage this kind of users. Every Guest user may
have card and/or PIN and can be granted with one or more special User Options as any other
standard user of the system. If the controller works in Network Access Control System (see 2.1.2
Network System) then Guest users can be assigned to the Access Group – as a result theirs access
rights will be under control of Schedule.
2.3.2 User Options
Eight special options (called Op.1 - Op.8) can be assigned to every individual user within particular
controller including Standard Users, Guest users and Facility Code cardholders as well. The options
define additional rights related to programming and management of particular controller.
Table 3: User options
Option Name
Access completely disabled
When option is active, the user do not have access
rights at particular controller regardless of other
Enabled for authorization of F1 key
at Terminal ID0
When option is active, the user will be allowed to
use F1 key at terminal ID0 (if such authorization is
required at all (see 2.10 Function Keys)
Enabled for authorization of F2 key
at Terminal ID0
When option is active, the user will be allowed to
use F2 key at terminal ID0 (if such authorization is
required at all (see 2.10 Function Keys)
Enabled for authorization of F1 key
at Terminal ID1
When option is active, the user will be allowed to
use F1 key at terminal ID1 (if such authorization is
required at all (see 2.10 Function Keys)
Enabled for authorization of F2 key
at Terminal ID1
When option is active, the user will be allowed to
use F2 key at terminal ID1 (if such authorization is
required at all (see 2.10 Function Keys)
Enabled for authorization of User
When option is active, the user will be allowed to