Programming Reference
H.006 DC Braking Start Frequency
This parameter sets
the frequency at
which DC braking
With DC braking enabled (H.005 = ON), braking will be activated after a stop
command when the motor speed is less than or equal to DC Braking Start
Frequency (H.006).
Note that if H.005 is set to ON, and this value is set too high, faults may occur (OC,
OCb, or PUo will be displayed).
Parameter Range:
0.5 to P.004 (Maximum Speed)
Default Setting:
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: H.005 DC Braking Enable
H.007 DC Braking Current
H.008 DC Braking Time
H.007 DC Braking Current
This parameter sets
the DC current level
applied to the motor
during DC braking.
With DC braking enabled (H.005 = ON), the braking torque provided by the motor is
defined by a percentage of motor rated amps (100% is motor rated amps).
Important: If H.007 is set too high, faults may occur (OC, OCA, OCb, or PUo will
be displayed.)
Note that this parameter was modified in version 6.0. Prior releases scaled voltage
instead of current for braking.
Parameter Range:
0 to 100% of motor nameplate amps
Default Setting:
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: H.005
DC Braking Enable
DC Braking Start Frequency
DC Braking Time