Programming Reference
U.015 Torque Regulator Integral Gain
This parameter
determines the
performance of the
torque regulator.
For most
applications, it is
recommended that
this value not be
Parameter Range:
10.0 to 628.0 radians/second
Default Setting:
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: U.014 Torque Regulator Proportional Gain
The higher the gain, the higher the performance of the torque loop. However, if the
gain is set too high, the drive will become more susceptible to overcurrent trips
and/or instability. Decreasing the gain will help increase stability.
U.016 Field Weakening Start RPM
This parameter sets
the speed at which
field weakening
Parameter Range:
* to U.005
Default Setting:
Power Module-dependent, see Appendix C
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: U.002 Motor Poles
U.003 Motor Nameplate Base Frequency
U.005 Motor Nameplate RPM
U.017 Motor Top Speed
* The low limit is calcilated as 80% of synchronous speed where:
Synch. Speed =
Using a 60 Hz motor as an example:
120 x Base Frequency (U.003)
No. of Motor Poles (U.002)
60 Hz Motor
Number of Motor Poles U.016 Parameter range
2880 to U.005
1440 to U.005
960 to U.005
720 to U.005
Beyond the speed specified in this parameter, torque will be inversely proportional
to speed. Increasing this number will maximize the output voltage and, therefore,
maximize the horsepower. Lowering the number may improve dynamic
performance near base speed.