Programming Reference
P.063 Option Port: Network Reference Source
This parameter
specifies where the
drive will get its
speed or torque
reference when the
option port is
selected as the
control source
(P.000 = OP).
For DeviceNet network applications, refer to the DeviceNet Network Communication
Option Board manual (HE-HGV3DN).
For ControlNet network applications, refer to the ControlNet Network
Communication Option Board manual (D2-3390).
Speed or torque control is configured by parameter U.000 (Torque Reference
Source) and by specifying TRQ/SPD in P.007 (Terminal Strip Digital Inputs
Configure). One of its selections in U.000 is the option port.
If P.063 = 0, the reference is obtained from register 33 of the drive's Drop_1 register
In V/Hz regulation, the value in register 33 represents speed in hertz scaled 0 to
4095 for 0 to Maximum Speed (P.004).
In vector regulation, if U.000 = 2, the value in register 33 represents torque scaled 0
to 4095 for 0 to 150% torque. If U.000
2, this value represents speed in RPM
scaled 0 to 4095 for 0 to Top Speed (U.017).
Refer to the AutoMax Network Communication Option Board instruction manual
(D2-3308) for more information.
If P.063 = 1 to 8, the reference is from one of the eight network broadcast data
registers (network drop area 0, registers 32 to 39). Refer to the AutoMax Network
Communications Module instruction manual (J2-3001) for a description of network
broadcast registers.
Parameter Range:
0 = Direct reference
1 to 8 = Broadcast
Default Setting:
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: U.000 Torque Reference Source