Programming Reference
Magnetizing Current = x 100
U.006 Magnetizing Current
This parameter
identifies the
percentage of
magnetizing current
(no load amps) with
respect to motor
rated amps.
A value is
generated for this
parameter when
self-tuning is
performed (U.008).
ATTENTION: If this parameter is set incorrectly, overcurrent or
excess heating of the motor could result. Failure to observe this
precaution could result in damage to, or destruction of, the equipment.
If the motor nameplate shows the no load current data, then this parameter value
can be calculated using the following formula. If this data does not appear on the
motor nameplate, perform the self-tuning procedure (U.008) to automatically
calculate the result.
No Load Amps
Motor Rated Amps
Parameter Range:
10.00 to 80.00%
Default Setting:
Power Module-dependent, see Appendix C
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: U.008
Torque Self-Tune Enable
U.007 Motor Nameplate Volts
This parameter
identifies motor rated
voltage as it appears
on the motor
Important: This parameter must be set prior to activating the torque control
self-tuning operation (U.008).
If you change this parameter after performing self-tuning using parameter U.008,
you must repeat the self-tuning procedure.
Parameter Range:
100 to 345 volts
Default Setting:
Parameter Type:
Refer also to parameters: U.008 Torque Self-Tune Enable