Publication CC-QS015A-EN-P - November 2009
Product Integration
A bidirectional, four-sensor, T-type muting system lets valid loads or objects pass through its light
curtains in either direction without shutting down the machine or process, but will stop the
machine or process if anything or anyone attempts to move past the light curtain in any other
manner. This type of system is often used to guard the access point at a hazardous portion of a
machine or process where material must pass either into or out of the guarded area, such as an
automatic palletizing system or automatic assembly machine. This Connected Components
Building Block is intended to ease the installation, configuration, and implementation of such a
Before You Begin
Review the Connected Components Building Blocks Quick Start, publication
that you have completed the hardware design and installation as well as software installation.
What You Need
Personal computer
Connected Components Building Blocks Overview CD, publication CC-QR001
MicroLogix 1100 controller, catalog number 1763-L16BBB
PanelView Component C600 terminal, catalog number 2711C-T6C
Stratix 2000 Ethernet switch, catalog number 1783-US05T (or equivalent) to connect the
MicroLogix controller to the PanelView terminal
Ethernet cables, catalog number 1585J-M8TBJM-2 or equivalent
MSR127 safety relay, catalog number 440R-N231132
MSR42 safety relay, catalog number 440R-P226AGS-NNR
MSR45E expander module, catalog number 440R-P4NANS
Optical Interface Tool, catalog number 445L-AF6150, which includes the Optical Interface
Tool-MSR42 Configuration and Diagnostic Software
A safety risk assessment must be completed to make sure that all tasks and hazards are
considered and to confirm that the example circuit provides adequate risk reduction for your
specific application.