Publication CC-QS015A-EN-P - November 2009
About This Publication
This quick start illustrates one way of combining a set of Micro 400 Light Curtains, an MSR42
safety relay, an MSR45E expansion module, an MSR127 safety relay, an E-stop, and two
contactors into an integrated safety system providing both a bidirectional, four-sensor, T-type
muting function and an E-stop function.
A MicroLogix 1100 controller and a PanelView HMI are included to provide a convenient and
graphical way to monitor the operation of the safety systems and provide basic diagnostic
information and corrective action suggestions when appropriate. The MicroLogix controller and
PanelView terminal only monitor the safety systems. They are not safety components and they
have no safety control or function. The safety systems operate independently from the
MicroLogix controller and PanelView terminal.
To assist in the design and installation of your system, application files and other information are
provided on the Connected Components Building Blocks Overview CD, publication CC-QR001.
The CD provides bills of materials (BOM), CAD drawings for panel layout and wiring, control
programs, Human Machine Interface (HMI) screens, and more. With these tools and the built-in
best-practices design, the system designer is free to focus on the design of their machine control
and not on design overhead tasks.
Read these sections carefully before beginning work in each chapter. The beginning of each
chapter contains the following information:
Before You Begin
- This section lists the steps that must be completed and decisions that
must be made before starting that chapter.
What You Need
- This section lists the tools that are required to complete the steps in the
current chapter. This includes, but is not limited to, hardware and software.
Follow These Steps
- This illustrates the steps in the current chapter and identifies which
steps are required to complete the examples.
Use this Simple Machine Safety Connected Components Building Block Quick Start in conjunction
with the Connected Components Building Blocks Quick Start, publication