Assembly - Damper Shaft and Eyelet
A s s e m b l y - D a m p e r S h a f t a n d E y e l e t
If the detent ball and spring were removed from the rebound adjuster,
install them back into the adjuster.
Apply grease to the rebound adjuster threads.
Install the detent spring. Apply grease on top of the detent spring to
capture the detent ball. Install the detent ball into the rebound adjuster,
on top of the detent spring.
Install the rebound adjuster while pushing the (A) detent ball in, to clear
the edge of the rebound adjuster hole in the eyelet. Once clear, install
the adjuster and thread it into the eyelet six full turns.
RockShox Dynamic Seal Grease
RockShox Dynamic Seal Grease