2 Transport and positioning
Installation, Use and Maintenance Manual – GAHP-A
Figure 2�1 – Instruction for lifting
In the event of handling with forklift or pallet truck,
comply with the handling instructions shown on the
Do not install inside a room
The appliance is type-approved for external installation.
Do not install inside a room, not even if it has
In no event start the appliance inside a room.
GAHP-A Unit ventilation
The aerothermal appliance requires a large space, venti-
lated and free from obstacles, to enable smooth flow of
air to the finned coil and free air outlet above the mouth
of the fan, with no air recirculation.Incorrect ventilation
may affect efficiency and cause damage to the appli-
ance.The manufacturer shall not be liable for any incor-
rect choices of the place and setting of installation.
Where to install the appliance
The appliance may be installed at ground level, on a terrace
or on a roof, compatibly with its dimensions and weight.
It must be installed outside buildings, in an area of natural air
circulation, outside the dripping path of drainpipes or simi-
lar. It does not require protection from weathering.
No obstruction or overhanging structure (e.g. protruding
roofs, canopies, balconies, ledges, trees) shall interfere either
with the air flowing from the top of the appliance or with the
exhaust flue gas.
The appliance's flue gas exhaust must not be immediately
close to openings or air intakes of buildings, and must com-
ply with environmental regulations.
Do not install near the exhaust of flues, chimneys or hot
polluted air. In order to work correctly, the appliance needs
clean air.
Defrosting water drainage
In winter, it is normal for frost to form on the finned coil
and for the appliance to perform defrosting cycles.
To prevent overflowing and damage provide for a
drainage system.
Acoustic issues
Pre-emptively assess the appliance's sound effect in connec-
tion to the site, taking into account that building corners, en-
closed courtyards, restricted spaces may amplify the acous-
tic impact due to the reverberation phenomenon.