July 2022
© RLS Wacon analytics GmbH +49 (0)5121 281260
Subject to
change without notice
Relay 2
Configure relay 2 for the function limit value 2 or reagent
level <10%?
Select [Limit] or [Reagent] and press the [OK] key.
[Limit ]
The relay switches when the limit value is
exceeded or not reached.
(For more info see page 37)
The relay switches when the reagent level falls
below 10 % residual content.
If limit value is selected
The relay switches when the limit value is exceeded/fallen
short of.
(For more info see page 37)
Select [Duration]
or [Pulse] and press the [OK] key.
The relay switches to permanent contact if the
limit value is exceeded/fallen short of until an
analysis is carried out that exceeds/falls short of the
limit value.
[Pulse] The relay switches for a set pulse time.
You will see an input keyboard on the right. Now use the
arrow keys [
], [
], [
] and [
] to move the black cursor to
the desired digit and press the [OK] key.
The selected digit appears in a frame on the left.
Repeat the entry until the desired pulse duration appears in
the frame.
Now move the cursor to the OK field on the keyboard and
press the [OK] key.
If the value at "Current" corresponds to your wish, you do not
need to enter the number again and can immediately move
the cursor to the OK field in the keyboard and confirm with
the [OK] key.
Relay 3
Relay 3 is used to indicate a unit error.
Relay 3 is used to indicate a unit error and cannot assume any
other functions.
Press the [OK] key
Relay 3 is always energised in normal operation, connection
COM to NO (wire breakage safety).
In the event of a device error, relay 3 drops out and
establishes the connection COM to NC.