Logs Button • 116
Battery Pack Too Drained for PC Controlled Operation
If the Li-ion battery pack does not have enough power to keep the instrument on, it
will go into a 5 minute charge cycle and the following screen will be displayed on the
instrument screen.
It will not connect to the docking station. The instrument cannot be bump tested or
calibrated in the charge cycle. Once the 5 minute charge cycle has ended, the unit
will automatically turn back on and connect to the docking station. The unit can now
be bump tested or calibrated.
Logs Button
The Logs Window contains saved data from instruments in addition to records of
bump tests and calibrations performed with the PC Controller Program. If you perform
a complete download by right clicking a selected instrument and clicking Download,
the Logs Window will contain alarm trend data, calibration data, event data, interval
trend data, memo data, bump test data, barhole data, normal operation snap log
data, and leak check snap log data (Gas Tracer only). If you do not perform a
complete download or select Down Load Data Logger in the Configuration Window
but perform a calibration, the Logs Window will contain instrument bump test data,
instrument calibration data, memo files, and files from any bump tests or calibrations
performed while the instrument was connected to the PC Controller Program.
The Logs Window is divided into four frames. The upper left frame is the Data Frame
and displays all the data folders. If no data has been saved, then no folders will
appear in the Data Frame.
The upper right frame shows the contents of a data folder that is selected in the Data
Frame. The lower right frame shows the summary information for a data file that is
selected in the upper right frame.