37 • Setting Up the PC Controller Program
setting and type in the desired value. The value you type in must be valid
(between 1 and 30).
Gas Exposure Time
The Gas Exposure Time can be set to 30 (factory setting), 45, 60, 90, 120
seconds or Auto and is the length of time that gas is applied to the
instrument. If you select Auto, the PC Controller program will apply gas for
the appropriate amount of time based on your instrument sensor
To change the Gas Exposure Time, click on the current setting. A drop
down menu will appear. Select the desired time.
The Tolerance can be set between 10% and 50%. The factory setting is
50%. It determines how close the instrument gas reading must be to the
calibration gas concentration for each channel during a bump test in order
to pass the bump test. It is defined as a percentage of the calibration gas
concentration.The amount that the instrument gas reading differs from the
calibration gas concentration must be equal to or less than this percentage
of the calibration gas concentration. For example, if the tolerance is set to
50%, and the %LEL calibration gas concentration is 50% LEL, then the
bump test gas reading for the LEL channel on the instrument must be 50
%LEL ± 25 %LEL.
To change the Tolerance, use the arrows to the right of the current setting
or highlight the current setting and type in the desired value. The value you
type in must be valid (between 10 and 50%).
10. When you are finished making changes, click OK. If you want to save the
changes, click Yes in the window that comes up. If you do not want to save the
changes, click No in the window that comes up. To return to the Configuration
Window, click Cancel.
To exit the Configuration Window and return to the main program window
without saving any changes, click Cancel in the Configuration Window and
click OK in the confirmation screen that comes up.