23 • EAGLE 2 and GX Type Instrument Connection
To connect calibration gas to the SDM-2012, do the following:
If the area around the docking station is not considered a fresh air area (an
area free of combustible and toxic gases and of normal oxygen content,
20.9%) install a tube not longer than 10 feet on the filter attached to the AIR
fitting on the back of the docking station and route it to a fresh air area or
connect a cylinder of zero air with a demand flow regulator to the AIR fitting.
Install the demand flow regulator on the calibration gas cylinder(s).
Connect the demand flow regulator to the GAS 1 or GAS 2 inlet fitting using
the 3 foot length of 3/16 inch ID sample tubing provided with the docking
For a 3- or 4-gas mix, connect the regulator to the GAS 1 inlet.
For a special calibration cylinder (ppm or %volume), connect the regulator to
the GAS 2 inlet.
If you have set up a manifold for calibrating instruments, the regulators
can be connected to tubing leading to the manifold inlet instead of
connected directly to the GAS 1 or GAS 2 inlet fitting.
EAGLE 2 and GX Type Instrument Connection
There are 2 different versions of the Docking Station PC Controller program. The
SDM-E2 Docking Station PC Controller program is intended for use with SDM-E2
docking stations and EAGLE 2 instruments. The SDM-GX Docking Station PC
Controller program is intended for use with GX type docking stations and GX type
Bump tests and calibrations can be performed on multiple EAGLE 2s and GX type
instruments at the same time. The SDM-E2 Docking Station PC Controller program
controls the EAGLE 2 functions while the SDM-GX Docking Station PC Controller
program controls the GX type instrument functions. Both programs can be used
simultaneously on your PC. Follow all instructions in the SDM-E2 Docking Station PC
Controlled Configuration Operator’s Manual as well as the instructions in this manual.
ppm CH
/%vol CH
(Gas Tracer)
• 3-gas mix with CH
• 1000 ppm CH
• 100% volume CH
Table 2: Recommended Gas Cylinders
Typical Instrument Types
Recommended Calibration Gas