Config Window • 174
A window will appear telling you to restart the PC Controller Program. Click
Click OK in the Database Tab.
Click the Exit control button in the upper right corner of the main program
Reopen the PC Controller Program.
To create a new database:
Click the Create button located along the left side of the Database Tab window.
Choose where you would like the new database to be stored and enter a name
for it and click Save. The new database will be created but data will not be
stored there until you change the file path as described above.
To import a .mdb file into the current database:
Click the Import button located along the left side of the Database Tab window.
Select an existing .mdb file that you wish to import. You can import a .mdb file
that was created on another computer and moved to your computer, you can
select a file that was generated on your computer using the Create button, or
you can navigate to another network computer’s .mdb file. If you navigate to
another computer’s files, the location for the default .mdb file is in the Program
Files folder (ie. MannyPC:\Program Files\SDM-GX). It is named SDMLog.mdb.
If you wish to import a different .mdb file, it will have a different name and may
be in a different location.
Once you have selected a .mdb file, click Open. The program will indicate that
the file is being imported. Once the import is finished, the data from the .mdb
file will be added to your current data. New serial numbers/station IDs/user IDs
will appear in the Data frame of the Logs Window. Instrument information
associated with those new instruments will also be available in the Logs
To export data for one or more instruments to a .mdb file:
Select the desired units from the list on the bottom of the Database Tab.
Click Export. Select where you would like to save the file, and click Save. The
program will indicate that it is exporting the data and will confirm that it has
finished. Click OK in the window that comes up.
If you want to remove a unit’s information after it’s been exported, select
Remove before selecting Export. You cannot remove a unit’s information while
it’s connected to the computer so be sure to turn off the instrument before
removing data.