(technical, economic or political advances)
A nation may secure one or more know-hows by
paying gold to the bank.
In the top row of the progress chart are the BASIC
KNOW-HOWS (wheel, sailing, market, monar-
chy). In the bottom row are the SECONDARY
KNOW-HOWS - roads, navigation, currency, and
To obtain a SECONDARY KNOW-HOW, a nati-
on must already own the corresponding BASIC
KNOW-HOW. Nations must have
• wheel, to get roads,
• sailing, to get navigation,
• market, to get currency,
• monarchy, to get democracy.
Each know-how that a nation obtains is marked
on the progress chart with one of the nation‘s
(colored) octagonal game stones. When the
nation obtains the corresponding secondary
know-how, that game stone is moved down on
the chart to the secondary know-how.
The bank receives
• 7 gold units per each NEW basic know-how and
10 per each NEW secondary know-how. New
know-hows are those which no other nation
already possesses.
• 3 gold units per each basic and five for each
secondary know-how that one or more of the
nations already possess.
Introducing advances in know-how first is
a great civilizational achievement, which is
therefore recognized with the award of one
ancient scholar.
A nation with no know-hows wants to obtain the know-
how navigation. Other nations already possess the
basic know-how sailing. The nation pays 3 (for sailing)
+ 10 (for the new know-how navigation) = total 13 gold
units. The nation places its octagonal game stone on
navigation on the progress chart. For navigation, it is
awarded an ancient scholar.
Nations with all eight know-hows receive an
extra ancient personage
from the stack with
the most remaining. If more than 1 stack has the
most remaining, the nation chooses which it will
take. Also, nations with all eight know-hows
trade marble, iron or gold with the bank at any
time, at a rate of 2 for 1.
Advantages of possessing Know-How:
Every legion of a nation choosing maneuver can
carry out up to two maneuver actions.
Every legion of a nation choosing maneuver can
carry out up to three maneuver actions.
Every galley of the nation choosing maneuver
can carry out up to two maneuver actions.
Every galley of the nation choosing maneuver
can carry out up to three maneuver actions.
When producing on MARBLE, IRON, or GOLD,
the nation receives one extra unit.
When producing on MARBLE, IRON, or GOLD,
the nation receives two extra units.
A nation with two gold cities without a
temple, and one with a temple produces 5 gold
units. With the know-how MARKET, the produc-
tion total rises to 6, and with CURRENCY, to 7.
increases the defense strength of a nation‘s cities
by 1.
increases the defense strength of a nation‘s cities
by 2.
up to 3 fields for free
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11.07.2006 0:57:57 Uhr