Movement action
Conquest Action
green: none
red: Navigation
The defense strength of
Alexandria totals 3. The
red galleys, with the na-
vigation know-how, have
three maneuver actions
each. So they can take
part in conquering Alex-
Aktion Bewegung
Know-hows: green: none / yellow: sailing
With the SAILING know-how, the yellow galleys have
two maneuver actions each. However to reach the
Province of Alexandria, one of the galleys would use
up both its actions and then be tipped on its side.
There would then be left only
one galley, and this could not
conquer Alexandria, which
has a defense strength of 2.
If green had a galley instead of
a legion in the Province of Alexandria (see illustration on the right), the conquest
of Alexandria could take place. For this, however, the galley from Attalia would
first have to eliminate the galley in Alexandria in a mutual destruction battle.
Know-hows: red: monarchy / yellow: roads
With ROADS know-how, the yellow legions have three maneuver actions each. They can reach Rome in two
movements. However, they must first cross a province with one green legion. If green demands a mutual
destruction fight, only four of the legions will reach Rome. Conquest would then be impossible, since the
defense strength of Rome is 5. On the other hand, if no battle is demanded, the yellow units can proceed
in peace, and conquer Rome (illustration 3 and 4).
Movement action
Movement action
Conquest Action
No battle
Regel7_eng.indd 10
11.07.2006 0:58:45 Uhr