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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
Once the text file has been created, press the Send button (F4) to transfer the Asset
Trace variables and User names from the Rigel 62353 Plus to the PC.
The downloaded text will appear in the DataTransfer.exe screen. Select Stop Capture
from the Capture menu in the task bar. See below;
Close down the Application and open the text file using word pad or equivalent.
The downloaded information can be used to ‘clone’ other Rigel 62353 Plus’s or modified
to add additional trace variables. Again these can be uploaded to any Rigel 62353 Plus
for convenience.
The file transfer can be made using any suitable PC application such
as the Seaward DataTransfer.exe or Hyperterminal capable of sending
and receiving a text file.
The maximum number of entries for each field is SiteName (40),
LocationName (50), UserName (40) and Comment (80).