60 -
Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
5.3.1 Download to PC
This feature is used to download records to a PC. Select Download to PC and press the
(F4) to accept.
The Rigel 62353 Plus will establish a connection with the Computer through the RS232
connection. Please default to a baud rate of 9600. A higher baud rate may result in
incorrect data being transmitted.
The Rigel 62353 Plus is able to download in a number of formats to suit individual
requirements. These are;
CSV Full (Comma Separate Value, download only)
CSV Summary (Comma Separate Value, download only)
Rigel SSS (Up and download format, this feature requires an unlock code)
Toggle between the options by using the left and right arrow keys.
Details on the RS232 connection cable are available. Please contact our
support department at +44(0) 191 5878701.