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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
indicate the performance of the Medical Device (eg NIBP reading, Defibrillator Energy,
Flow rate on Infusion device, SPO2 reading etc).
This feature can also be used to instruct the user to inspect certain criteria (eg. Labels,
software version, certain damage or upgrades) prior to a safety test as part of the Visual
Inspection. To create customised visual inspections, use the insert Custom Test
function using the instructions below and set the engineering units to blank.
Create a unique range of visual tests or instructions by creating a new
test sequence (see 2.1.7) and select Custom Test as the nature of the
test. This allows the user to insert default customised visual checks
or perfomance tests (eg when testing NIBP monitors, Defibrillators
The maximum number of characters in the test description or
instruction is 255.
To insert a non-electrical safety test, highlight the place where a new test needs
inserting using the up and down keys and press the Insert button (F1) from the menu
Note; Tests will be inserted before the highlighted position not after.
Once the Insert button (F1) has been pressed, a drop down box will appear with all
available safety tests and inspection available. Activate the drop down box using the left
key and select the Custom Test option.