53 -
Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
button (F3) to set the Test Duration, Equipment Class, Applied Part
module and RMS Pass/Fail limit for BF and CF Applied Parts. Use the up, down. left
and right keys to highlight and set. Press
(F4) when complete. Pressing the
button (F3) will exit Settings mode without saving changes.
To configure the Applied Parts press the
button (F1) in the Settings menu. For
instructions on using this feature, see 3.4
For both Class I and Class II appliances, connect the Patient Connections or Applied
Parts to the Applied Parts as per the configuration above.
For Class I equipment use the earth bond lead (from the black socket) and connect to a
conductive non-earthed part.
For Class II devices use the earth bond lead (from the black socket) and connect to the
enclosure preferably encapsulated within conductive foil.
Press the green START key to begin the test. The test will run for the duration set or
until the red STOP key is pressed.