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Page Rigel Medical
user Manual V1.4
2.1.1 User definable tests
This feature gives the Rigel 62353 Plus the capability of recording user defined visual
inspections, checks or tests including measurements from SPO2, ECG, NIBP, Defib,
Infusion, Ventilation, Pressure etc.
The input is text only as no measurements are performed by the Rigel 62353 Plus
during these tests. The user can enter questions or instructions followed by either a
PASS/FAIL result or alpha numeric input. Preset engineering units e.g. %, Joules,
mmHg, PSI, CmH
O etc are available.
2.1.2 View, Delete or Copy an existing Test Routine.
Preset test sequences cannot be deleted or changed by the user however, alterations
are possible by producing a copy of the default test sequence.
To enter the Test Sequences menu, click on
, followed by Setup. Select the Test
Sequences from the list and press
The following overview is provided and shows the list of default and customised test
sequences availble. Copied Test Sequences will appear in the list with an *pre-fix.