5.3 Protection - Conditions and starting points
The conditions that follow are applicable to the wiring diagrams.
The installer makes sure that necessary and not shown protections are used and included in the
wiring diagrams.
Make sure that you can see the operated system from all control units and control systems. Put
control units and control systems at a height that agrees with applicable standards and guidelines.
Protect the electric connections from moist conditions.
Obey the applicable standards, guidelines and/or wiring guidelines for electrical connections.
Electrical connections are only permitted to an electrical installer or
an electrician.
A fully and correctly connected wiring diagram is necessary.
It is mandatory to connect all safety switches and duty switches.
There can be dangerous voltages, also when the drive unit is not in
For installation work, connection work and maintenance work the
system must be de-energized.
Make sure that each electric motor (EM) is stopped (only) with its
own limit-switch system. This prevents the risk of incorrect control,
an incorrect direction-of-rotation or incorrect operation of limit-
switch systems of different electric motors.
The waiting time must be approximately 2 seconds when you change
the direction-of-rotation. The electric motor must stop.
This prevents that it continues in the initial direction.
The installer sets the Motor-Protection Circuit-Breaker (MPCB[Q41])
to the value of the nominal current of the electric motor.
Always make sure that the protections comply with the, local or
national, laws and regulations of the country.
Ridder Drive Systems B.V.
+31 (0)341 416 854 -
+31 (0)341 416 611 -