M34286T2-CPE User’s Manual
1. Outline
R20UT0214EJ0200 Rev.2.00
Page 15 of 70
Sep 16, 2010
1.2 System Configuration
1.2.1 System Configuration
Figure 1.1 shows a configuration of the M34286T2-CPE system.
H o st m ac hine (s epa rat el y a vail able)
U S B i nterfa ce ca ble
C om pac t E m ul ator
M 3 428 6T 2-C PE
U s er s ys tem
P ow er s upp ly for u se r s y st em
(s epa ra tel y a va il able)
P ow e r s up ply fo r em u lato r
(s eparate ly av aila ble )
P ow e r s up ply c able
Figure 1.1 System configuration
Compact emulator M34286T2-CPE (this product)
This is a compact emulator for the 4286 Group with the real-time trace functions (hereafter, emulator).
USB interface cable (included)
This is an interface cable for the host machine and the emulator.
Power supply for emulator
This is a power supply for the emulator. Supply 5.0 V ±5% (DC).
Prepare a power supply separately. The power cable is included with this product.
* Be aware that there are some AC adapters whose power supply voltage varies rather widely with its load. You are
recommended to use an AC adapter with a switching power supply or a stabilized power supply.
User system
This is your application system. This emulator can be used without the user system.
Power supply for user system
This is a power supply for the user system. As this emulator cannot supply the power to the user system, supply the
power to the user system separately from the emulator.
Host machine
This is a personal computer for controlling the emulator.