M34286T2-CPE User’s Manual
4. Hardware Specifications
R20UT0214EJ0200 Rev.2.00
Page 60 of 70
Sep 16, 2010
Note on the Power Down State:
Although this emulator allows you to execute a program using POF, execution of such programs is
subject to the following limitations:
The POF instruction cannot be stepped and over-stepped. Therefore, do not attempt to step and
step-over the POF instruction.
No events (hardware breaks and trace points) can be set in execution cycles of the POF
instruction. The events set in execution cycles of the POF and POF2 instructions, if any, have no
During power down state, no commands of the emulator debugger M3T-PD72M except for
RESET can be executed. Exit power down state by applying key-on wakeup input before
executing the commands.
Note on the MCU Status While the Program is Idle:
In this emulator, the MCU is operating even while the user program remains idle, as well as when the
emulator is executing a command.
When the user program remains idle, always the WRST instruction is executed.
Note on a Break Operation When Skipping Instructions
In cases when the next instruction is skipped by a skip instruction, if a break operation (hardware,
software or forcible break) in the skipped instruction is attempted, no break occurs. If a skip and a break
occur at the same time, the cause of the break is cleared and the program continues running until the
next cause of break occurs.
Example: If a break operation is attempted when executing an instruction at address 0002h, the
intended break is canceled and the program continues running.
0000 RC
0001 SZC
0002 TABP
1 :
0003 TAM
0004 BL
0004 :
The program continues to execute
instruction without breaking.
Note on a Break Operation in a Train of Successive Instructions:
The program does not break in a train of successive instructions. If a break operation (hardware,
software or forcible break) is attempted in a train of successive instructions, the intended break occurs
in an instruction at which the successive instructions ended. An example is shown below.
Example: If a break operation is attempted while executing the instructions at addresses 0000--0003h,
the break occurs at address 0004h.
0000 LA 0
0001 LA 1
0002 LA 2
0003 LA 3
0004 NOP < A break occurs at this address.
Successive instructions