Operation - Expert level
5.1 Menu structure
Structure of the expert level
The following information is primarily directed at
specialist personnel.
The settings in expert mode may only be con-
figured by REMKO-authorised installers!
You can access the expert level by touching the
REMKO logo in the upper right corner of the dis-
Fig. 47: Access to the expert level
The expert level is password-protected. After
entering the password “0321” the authorised
specialist accesses the expert level without
confirming the code.
This password is only valid if it has not already
been changed!
After activating the expert level by touching the
corresponding REMKO logo, a password is
required. To enter the password at this level, use
"+/-" and then proceed to the next item with "Next".
Once you have finished entering the password
(0321), confirm the input with "OK".
Fig. 48: Password input