RISC DSP Controller
RDC Semiconductor Co.
Subject to change without notice
Bit 15:
IO , Destination Address Space Select.
Set 1: The destination address is in memory space.
Set 0: The destination address is in I/O space.
Bit 14: DDEC
, Destination Decrement.
Set 1: The destination address is automatically decrement after each transfer.
Set 0 : Disable the decrement function.
Bit 13: DINC
, Destination Increment.
Set 1: The destination address is automatically increment after each transfer.
Set 0 : Disable the decrement function.
Bit 12: SM/
IO , Source Address Space Select.
Set 1: The Source address is in memory space.
Set 0: The Source address is in I/O space
Bit 11: SDEC
, Source Decrement.
Set 1: The Source address is automatically decrement after each transfer.
Set 0 : Disable the decrement function.
Bit 10: SINC
, Source Increment.
Set 1: The Source address is automatically increment after each transfer.
Set 0 : Disable the decrement function
Bit 9 : TC
, Terminal Count.
Set 1: The synchronized DMA transfer is terminated when the DMA transfer count register reaches 0.
Set 0: The synchronized DMA transfer is terminated when the DMA transfer count register reaches 0.
Unsynchronized DMA transfer is always terminated when the DMA transfer count register reaches 0,
regardless the setting of this bit.
Bit 8 : INT
, Interrupt.
Set 1: DMA unit generates an interrupt request when complete the transfer count .
The TC bit must set to 1 to generate an interrupt.
Bit 7-6: SYN1-SYN0
, Synchronization Type Selection.
Synchronization Type
0 , 0 -- Unsynchronized
0 , 1 -- Source synchronized
1 , 0 -- Destination synchronized
1 , 1 -- Reserved
Bit 5: P
, Priority.
Set 1: It selects high priority for this channel when both DMA 0 and DMA 1 are transfer in same time.
Bit 4: TDRQ
, Timer Enable/Disable Request
Set 1: Enable the DMA requests from timer 2.