When the vessel is actively used, the speed paddle wheel assembly should
be examined at regular intervals for free rotation of the wheel. Marine
growth, if any, should be carefully removed. 0 ring seals of the assembly
should be cleaned, examined for wear and tear, and if
re-greased prior
to reinsertion into the housing.
For best results the speed paddlewheel assembly can be re-built or re-
placed each season with a new assembly.
Transducer Maintenance
If the vessel is kept in saltwater, sea growth can occur rapidly over the
vessel’s hull including the face of the transducer, and seriously reduce the
transducer’s performance within a few weeks. To slow this growth, the face
of the transducer should be cleaned and repainted as required with a
mineral-spirit based anti-fouling paint during bottom hull maintenance.
When selecting a suitable paint for the transducer DO NOT USE KE-
TONE-BASED PAINTS since this type of paint can chemically attack and
destroy the materials used in the manufacture of the transducer assembly.
If marine growth has developed on the transducer, use a stiff brush, putty
knife, or
with fme
220 grade or finer) for restoring a
smooth surface to the transducer face prior to painting.
Replacing the Fuse
has it’s fuse protection located on the rear panel left side.
The fuse is a 10 Amp fast blow glass ferrule fuse and protects the ship’s DC
power line in the event of an over current condition in the unit.
If the
will not turn
the fuse should be checked and replaced,
if necessary. A spare fuse is provided with your unit. The fuse is released
from the fuseholder by rotating the fuse cap counterclockwise approxi-
mately three turns.
If extra spare
are required they may be purchased locally from
electronics supply stores or ordered from Raytheon Replacement Parts by
contacting the Customer Service department. Common types
or AGC may be used. Note that the
is also metric sized. Local
replacement fuses may fit snugly into the holder if they are not metric.