8.10 ) Door Unlock Feature Connection
The wiring harness included with this system has two wires designated for this feature.
These wires should be routed from the ‘B’ pillar through the conduit to the same door to
which the door unlatch solenoid is installed.
To determine the wire in the door used to activate this feature, locate the stock unlock
motor located in the door and trace the wires to an accessible point within the door.
Activate the door unlock feature with the vehicle controls and, using a volt-meter,
determine the wire that changes from 0 to 12 volts during unlocking. Cut this wire and
connect the system's door unlock output wire to the motor side of this wire. Connect the
door unlock pass-through wire to the other side of this wire. Butt-splices are included for
these connections.
The unlock activation duration can be adjusted to either lengthen the output if the vehicle
has a slower unlock cycle or shorten the output to minimize deployment time. See the
System Menu Diagram for more information on adjusting this setting.
Drawing 8.10.1: Typical Lock System Interface
Some vehicle models (typically only Chrysler vehicles) employ a dual switch configuration
which switches power to one side of the lock and switches ground to the other. Confirm
that the lock wire is not connected to ground when idle. To interface with this
configuration, wire two SPDT automotive relays as shown below. The POD unlock wire
will trigger both relays interrupting both the vehicle's lock and unlock wires and switching
the appropriate power and ground to each side of the lock actuator. The system's unlock
pass-through wire is not used.
F3-G2 System Manual - Rev 7
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Lock motor
brown / black
Unlock wire
Lock wire
cut here
Drawing 8.10.2: Dual Switch Configuration
Lock motor
unlock wire
unlock wire
lock wire