8.8 ) Window Lowering Feature Installation
The vehicle interface wiring harness included with this system has 2 wires
designated for this feature for each rear side window. These wires should be
routed from the ‘B’ pillar through the conduit into each door. Make the connection
inside each door.
To determine the wire in the door to splice into, activate the window switch and,
using a volt-meter, determine which of the two wires connecting the control switch
to the window motor changes from 0 to 12 volts during the lowering of the window
(“down wire”). Cut this wire and connect the window output wire (identified from
the vehicle interface harness table) to the motor side of this wire. Connect the
window pass-through wire to the switch side of this wire. Butt-splices are included
for these connections. Ensure these wires are connected correctly as switching
them will cause a dead short that could cause damage to the system.
The window activation duration should be adjusted through the Advanced Menu to
a setting that is just long enough the drop each window completely. See 4) System
Menu on page 8 for more information on adjusting this setting.
F3-G2 System Manual - Rev 7
Page 21 of 33
Drawing 8.8.1: Typical Window System Interface
Window switch
Window motor
Up wire
Down wire
blue / black
purple / black
cut here