Documentation Overview
Operating Manual 1120.8610.14 - 0
Documentation Overview
The user documentation for the R&S UPZ is divided as follows:
Operating Manual
Service Manual
The current user documentation is also available on the internet:
Operating Manual
The printed operating manual is also provided in PDF format on the CD-ROM. It
provides a complete reference of the instrument functions and remote control. It
includes information about maintenance of the instrument. It is subdivided into the
following chapters:
Putting into Operation
Connection to the Test Setup
Manual Operation
Remote Control and Remote Control Interfaces
Service Manual
The service manual is provided in PDF format on the CD-ROM. It informs on how to
check compliance with rated specifications, on instrument function, repair,
troubleshooting and fault elimination. It contains all information required for the
maintenance of R&S UPP by exchanging modules. In addition it describes how to
install options. It is subdivided into the following chapters:
Performance Test