User Environment Files
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
<property maxspeed="100.0"/>
<property maxg="0.6"/>
<property maxg_lateral="0.6"/>
<property maxjerk="15"/>
<property maxjerk_lateral="15"/>
<property maxyawrate="0"/>
<property maxyawacceleration="0"/>
<property maxyawjerk="0"/>
<property maxpitchangle="0"/>
<property maxpitchrate="0"/>
<property maxpitchacceleration="0"/>
<property maxpitchjerk="0"/>
<property maxrollangle="0"/>
<property maxrollrate="0"/>
<property maxrollacceleration="0"/>
<property maxrolljerk="0"/>
<property proximity="0"/>
describes the used tags and parameters.
Table A-3: Format of *.xvd file
Tag name
Vehicle name
Maximal Speed (m/s)
Maximum tangential acceleration in g unit
Maximum radial acceleration (due to centrifugal force) in g
Maximum tangential Jerk in m/s2
Maximum radial Jerk in m/s2
Maximum rate of change of the yaw/heading (rad/s)
Maximum second rate of change (acceleration) of the yaw/
heading (rad/s2)
Maximum third rate of change (jerk) of the yaw/heading
Maximum pitch/elevation angle (rad)
Maximum rate of change of the pitch/elevation (rad/s)
Maximum second rate of change (acceleration) of the pitch/
elevation (rad/s2)
Maximum third rate of change (jerk) of the pitch/elevation
Vehicle Description Files (Used for Smoothening)