Assistance Data Generation
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Start Time ← Time of Assistance Data
Sezts the timebase in that the time of assistance data parameters are defiend.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Date [dd.mm.yyyy] ← Time of Assistance Data
For "Time Basis > UTC or GLONASS", sets the date for the assistance data in
DD.MM.YYYY format of the Gregorian calendar.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Time [hh:mm:ss] ← Time of Assistance Data
For "Time Basis > UTC or GLONASS", sets the exact start time for the assistance data
in UTC time format.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Week Number ← Time of Assistance Data
For "Time Basis > GPS, GALILEO, QZSST or BDT", sets the week number (WN) the
assistance data is generated for.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Time of Week ← Time of Assistance Data
For "Time Basis > GPS, GALILEO, QZSST or BDT", sets the Time of Week (TOW) the
assistance data is generated for.
Remote command:
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)
Duration ← Time of Assistance Data
Sets the duration of the assistance data.
Remote command:
on page 369
(etc. for the other GNSS systems)