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Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
17.1 Import GNSS Constellation and Navigation Message
Data Settings
1. "GNSS > Simulation Configuration > Satellites > GNSS System > Import Constella-
You can define the
data source from that the satellite constellation and option-
ally the navigation message
will be extracted.
2. Select "Constellation Source File" and select suitable file.
For GPS system, for example, the simulation and navigation data can be extracted
from the almanac or RINEX files.
3. Select "Import".
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Use Different Source File for Navigation Message
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Constellation Source File
Selects the file from that the satellites constellation and navigation data are extracted.
Simulation data (i.e. the almanac part of the navigation message) and the navigation
data per SV ID (i.e. ephemeris) can be extracted from the same or from different files.
Supported are almanacs and RINEX files, in any of the standard formats for these files.
Remote command:
Import GNSS Constellation and Navigation Message Data Settings