Perturbations and Errors Simulation
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Comprises the parameters for adjusting the ionospheric and tropospheric models of
the simulation.
The selected model defines the ionospheric and tropospheric models used in the satel-
lite-receiver channel simulation.
See also
"Tropospheric and ionospheric models"
Tropospheric Model ← Atmosphere
Sets the tropospheric model used in the satellite-receiver channel simulation.
The troposphere is the lower atmosphere layer that comprises rain, snow, clouds, etc.
and affects the GNSS signals propagation. The GNSS signals experience a variable
path delay, caused mainly by the dry atmosphere.
A tropospheric model described in the NATO Standard Agreement
The minimum operational performance standard (MOPS) is a tropo-
spheric model used by the SBAS systems.
The model is based on a mapping function or wet and dry tropo-
Remote command:
Ionospheric Model ← Atmosphere
Sets ionospheric model used by the channel simulation.
The selected model applies for all satellites, irrespectively to the navigation standards
they belong to.
Klobuchar is the correction model used by GPS.
Although the Klobuchar algorithm estimates the ionospheric delay in
the GPS L1 frequency signal, it can be also used for delay estima-
tions for any GNSS signal.
NeQuick is the correction model proposed by Galileo, but the iono-
spheric corrections computed by the NeQuick can be used for any
GNSS signal.
NeQuick is a 3D time-dependent ionospheric electron density model.
It provides electron density in the ionosphere as a function of the
position (longitude, latitude and height), time (UTC or TOW) and the
solar activity.
Atmospheric Effects and Ionospheric Errors Settings