Space Vehicle Configuration
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Figure 9-2: Power settings: understanding the displayed information
1 = Decreases the SV signal power and thus the power of all signals of this SV. SV "Power Offset" is
set relative to the
2 = Boosts or decreases the power of the individual signal components. Power offsets are set relative to
+ "Power Offset"
Available power settings depend on the GNSS system and selected RF band.
For information on how these settings affect the SV power, see
10. To simulate multi-path effects:
For more information, see
Chapter 10.8, "Static Multipath"
a) Select "Simulation Configuration > Receiver > Environmental Model = Static
b) Select "Environmental Model"
c) Set for example: "Number of Echoes = 1", "Echo 1 > Init. Code Phase = 300
m", "Power Offset = -10 dB".
11. Select "GNSS > Monitor > Satellites > Power View" to observe the power levels of
all satellites at a glance.
Power Settings