Real-World Environment
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Remote command:
Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z
Sets an offset relative to the center of gravity (COG) to place the antenna.
Remote command:
Delta Heading, Delta Elevation, Delta Bank
Displays the information on the antenna orientation and tilt.
Remote command:
Edit > Body Mask/Antenna Pattern File
Access: "Antenna Configuration > A# > Body Mask > Open Sky > Select Antenna Pat-
tern File > Predefined/User Files", select the body mask description file and select
In this dialog you can change the file content, e.g. power loss values, and zoom in into
display areas.
View Type ← Edit > Body Mask/Antenna Pattern File
Toggles between the phase and power representation.
Works like "Display > Antenna Pattern (Power)" and "Antenna Pattern (Phase)".
Antenna Configuration Settings