User Environment Files
Satellite Navigation
User Manual 1178.6379.02 ─ 01
Figure A-1: Moving Scenario
The following is the content of the waypoint file.
The start tag
is a mandatory element for each movement descrip-
tion. If this tag is omitted, the instrument interprets the coordinates described in the
waypoint file as static one.
****************************** MOVEMENT FILE ******************************
%%!! All empty lines or statements starting with %% will be ignored
%% This file format is used to load a continuous movement File into the signal generator
%% Enter the WGS-84 Reference Point's Coordinates S
REFERENCE: 144.96667027777777777777777777777777,-7.81666333333333333333333333333,100
%%From here on, we work in an ENU (EAST-NORTH-UPPER)basis centered around the ENU reference point S.
%%And more specifically the movement description will start from "START"
%%"START", "EAST COORDINATE E0 relative to S", "NORTH COORDINATE N0 relative to S",
%%"UPPER COORDINATE N0 relative to S", "SPEED in (m/s)"
START: 0, 0, 0, 6.94444444444444444
%%Each movement segment is described in one line command in the file
%%The segments are to be read sequentially.
%%It can be either a line description or an arc description
%%For a line, we start by the syntax "LINE"
%%For an arc, we start with the syntax "ARC"
%%In the current version, we provide only EAST-NORTH Movement segments
%%"ARC", "Center EAST Coordinate", "Center NORTH Coordinate",
%% "ARC in degrees (pos or neg is necessary for orientation)"
ARC: 0, 20, -90
%%"LINE", "Second Edge EAST Coordinate, first edge is the current point
%% or last point of previous segment","Second Edge NORTH Coordinate","Acceleration/Deceleration"
%%Acceleration is to be taken as the projection following the movement segment
LINE: 0, 250, 1.44675925925925925926
LINE: 0, 400, 0
LINE: 0, 250, -1.44675925925925925926
ARC: 0, 920, -90
Movement or Motion Files