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Automatic adjustment takes place for the following cases:
Adjustment on plugging the balance to mains – verified balances.
Adjustment triggered by temperature change inside the balance. The
balance is equipped with a very precise system for monitoring
temperature. At each adjustment process, the temperature is saved in
the system. The next adjustment is automatically initiated if
temperature varies more than 0.8°C, for XA and AS series balances,
or 3°C, for PS and APP balances, in relation to the last saved
Adjustment triggered by elapsing time. It is possible to declare time
intervals for balance adjustment. Accessible settings: adjustment after
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 hours since last carried out
adjustment procedure,
Declaring time intervals for balance adjustment is available only in
non-verified balances. In case of verified balances the time interval
between the following adjustments is set for 3 hours, PS and APP
series balances, and 1 hour, AS series balances.